Traveling Time! The Great Larry Lipson Tells Us About His Latest Finds
Reporting from Costa Rica, CRN's international wine correspondent Larry Lipson will tell us about his latest Wine finds, including wines UNDER $10!Larry always has something cooking up at the Lipson Institute of Advanced Wine Studies!
Larry forages all of Costa Rica for the absolute best wines. No region is spared from his intense search. No mountain or range or valley is safe from his reach. He leaves no grape unturned, this man of passion. Wine is his life. His love for wine is only paralleled with his love for his lovely partner in wine, Lillian Lipson.Be fully prepared for this master of vino as he shares his food and wine pairing techniques and experiences with you on this great day in America - and the world.
Scotsmen Andrew Weir and Nicholas Pollacchi Balvenie Rare Craft Roadshow Reveals Rare Craftsmanship and Artisans Alive and Well Across the U.S.A.

In March, Andrew Weir and Nicholas Pollacchi, Scottish ambassadors for the Balvenie, the most handcrafted single-malt scotch, hopped in a handmade Morgan Car and started a road trip across America – the Balvenie Rare Craft Roadshow. From brewers, vintners and cheesemakers to apothecaries, tailors, bicycle makers and all points in between, they discovered and celebrated the burgeoning community of like-minded American artisans dedicated to the practice and preservation of traditional crafts. With a blog, public appearances and an upcoming documentary, Weir and Pollacchi are dedicated to exposing America to some of its best and brightest craftsmen and encouraging the public to appreciate and support these top-notch artisans.
Now that this stage of the tour is wrapping up, these two lively gents are available to share their experiences with your listeners! In the spirit of celebration, they can discuss the places they visited and people they met who are keeping America’s craft traditions not just alive but flourishing.
Andrew Weir, The Balvenie Brand Ambassador for the Eastern USA, has been representing his home country of Scotland in one form or another since he was thirteen years old. From his storied acting career, which included roles in Mel Gibson’s Braveheart, as well as 5 years spent at the BBC, to his status as one of the world’s l eading Robert Burns speakers, Andrew is the perfect representative for a whisky as distinctly Scottish as the Balvenie.
Nicholas Pollacchi, The Balvenie Brand Ambassador for the Western USA, is a world traveler, spirits expert and single malt obsessive. He has spent his entire career committed to educating, entertaining and illuminating crowds across the planet. From his native Scotland to the four corners of the globe, Nicholas has developed the kind of unrivalled expertise and knowledge that sets him apart from many of his peers and makes him the perfect Ambassador for the world’s most handcrafted Single Malt Scotch Whisky. His journey through the world of spirits started almost a decade ago, as the bar and spirits director for Bar Soba, one of Scotland’s top cocktail bars. His charm, expertise and skill for capturing the imaginations of everyone he talked to has stood him in great stead for a career as the Brand Ambassador for The Balvenie.
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