Chef Bradley Ogden From LA Food & Wine Festival Is In Studio To Give Us The 411 On LA's Newest Annual Event!

Tradeshow booths and private tables are now available for business / private parties. Experience the world of Beer, Wine, and Spirits with the best event company in all of Southern California. Join us as Barcelona Enterprises presents the 2011 LA Wine Festival, the seventh LA Wine Festival. The Los Angeles wine festival is a taste of the best wines California has to offer. You can also join us for the Malibu Food and Wine Festival this June or the LA Oktoberfest You can also join us at the Food & Wine festival . if you are a beer lover come to the Bock Fest & the ultra luxurious Beverly Hills Wine Festival .
Roger Berkowitz Is President & CEO Of Legal Seafood And He's Also Sharing With Us How His His Love For Delicious Seafood!

Roger graduated from the Newhouse School at Syracuse University. He also attended executive education programs at Harvard Business School, University of London School of Business and Stanford Graduate School of Business. He holds an honorary master’s degree from the Culinary Institute of America and honorary doctorates from Johnson & Wales University, Newbury College and Salem State University.
Roger is a member and past President of the Massachusetts Restaurant Association, and serves on the leadership council at the Harvard School of Public Health.
Roger is a member of the Board of Directors for Century Bank and Trust, a publicly-held company. He is an appointee on the New England Community Development Advisory Council for the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and, since 2004, he has served on the Regional Selection Panel for the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships.
In addition, Roger serves on many non-profit Boards including: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston’s Children’s Hospital, UNICEF, the Boston Children’s Museum, Environmental League of Massachusetts and the Blue Frontier Campaign. He is a member of the Board of Overseers, Brandeis International Business School and is a Trustee of Salem State College.
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