Ryan Scott Is Chief Marketing Officer of Seamless And He Is Here To Tell Us How Seamless Can Help Us Find That Perfect Menu With That Perfect Meal!!!

Author Of "The Butch Bakery" David Arrick Gives Us The Lo-down On His Extreme Take On Cupcakes!

The Butch Bakery Cookbook offers cupcakes for the twenty-first century—like a cupcake imbued with two different liqueurs or a devil's food cake made truly diabolical with a dose of chili powder. These are serious sweets. They're delightfully different and dangerously delicious.
Author David Arrick has received tremendous media coverage since opening Butch Bakery Perfect for dessert or cupcake lovers who are tired of the same old vanilla or chocolate cake with icing on top For anyone who wants a dessert that breaks the mold and challenges the taste buds with modern flavors and inspired ingredients, The Butch Bakery Cookbook delivers the goods—seriously.
Movie Guy Steve Evans Gives us the Movie Hits and Misses!
So, grab your popcorn, folks! Get your movie news and reviews right here on the What's Cookin' Today show! Steve “The Movie Guy” will take a look at what’s hot at the box office and the new films being released this weekend.
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