Ed Hurley - Show Director NY Wine Expo
It's Here…A First-Class Wine And Food Event For Both
Consumers And The Trade The New York Wine Expo is a three-day exposition catering to both the general public and the trade in the nation's hub. Don't miss this opportunity to sample over 600 wines from over 150 winemakers from around the globe in the Grand Tasting. 3rd Annual New York Wine Expo February 26-28, 2010 Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
The "Amazin Kreskin" Kreskin Confidential: The World's Greatest Mentalist Speaks Out With a showman's flair, a comedian's wit, and the capacities of a bona fide Mentalist or thought reader, The Amazing Kreskin has, for some six decades, dramatized the unique facets of the human mind…his own. His very name has become an integral part of pop culture throughout the world, invoked in comedy clubs, comic strips, print stories, and TV shows from sitcoms on through national
magazines. Born in Montclair, New Jersey, it was during the childhood game "hot and cold" that Kreskin's remarkable ability to find hidden objects emerged. His ability to read thoughts expanded, and by his teens he also became nationally recognized in the United States as "The World's Youngest Hypnotist", resulting in his collaborating in psychological clinical studies extending into the realm of Parapsychology and the Power of Suggestion. By his late teens, this icon of thought transference developed a mental test that has become the highlight of his performances all over the world. This signature piece has Kreskin requesting that his check be hidden somewhere within the venue he is appearing. If he fails to find it, he will forfeit his fee Through the decades, audiences of all ages have been drawn to this legendary figure. How many other celebrities can boast their own television series, their own board game, over some sixteen books, their own theme song arranged by the renowned Skitch Henderson at Carnegie Hall, let alone hundreds of appearances on almost every talk/variety show to be had. His performances have been seen all over the world, and he has flown over 3 million miles. The Amazing Kreskin has also become a training consultant to law enforcement and security personnel throughout the western world in the development in their own powers of observation and intuitive skills. Kreskin continues to offer "$50,000 to anybody that can prove that he employs paid secret assistants or confederates in any phase of his program". It is an offer that he has held for many, many years. Finally, through the years, Kreskin has received international recognition for extraordinary predictions often dealing with world affairs. Regarding the US Presidential Election in 2008, he logged the results with a written statement made 11 months earlier, on December 6, 2007. In the year 2008 on FOX Business News, he predicted the results of the Super Bowl three days before the game. A few years earlier in Canada, one month before a national election, he predicted the re-election of Prime Minister Martin, and named the exact amount of seats he would carry. On the day after the election, on National Canadian Television, he reflected that the government could collapse in 14 months. He was off by 5 days. He has been called by many the Nostradamus of the twentieth century.
Troy Savage - Pres - Montana Bed & Breakfast Association
Stay at the finest bed and breakfasts in Montana, inspected and approved by the Association, and take the guess work and surprises out of your Montana vacation and discover authentic Montana hospitality. The
popularity of Montana's scenic and yet unspoiled wonderland is growing and the number of visitors to this magnificent state is increasing every year. This web site is dedicated to those travelers seeking relaxing and memorable accommodations. Bed and Breakfast in the Montana Bed and Breakfast Association style offers the genuine, warm, caring hospitality in the tradition of the old west. Our member innkeepers are truly proud of their state and go out of their way to welcome visitors and to share a bit of themselves so that you may more fully enjoy the outdoor beauty that is Montana.
Steve Evans "The Movie Guy"
Tips on the best & worst this weekend at the Box Office. Steve reviews and comments on all the latest from Hollywood and gets the story behind the film.A veteran of the industry, "The Movie Guy" says exactly how he feels about the movies that you will be watching this weekend. Mike Horn comments on the lineup of big screen offerings but does not always agree with what Steve has to say. This is the movie review program to listen to every week and get the "real deal".