Monday March 22, 2010
"What's Cookin' Today" with Mike and Paul
Live Monday-Friday (8-9 AM PT) CRN1
Marian Meritt editor in chief of Symantec’s Family Resource Web Site Marian Merritt provides consumer-friendly insights into technology issues impacting families as Symantec’s Internet Safety Advocate. Marian authored Symantec’s “Family Online Safety Guide,” an award-winning practical guide for parents on protecting children online and she is editor in chief of Symantec’s Family Resource Web Site ( ). Marian has appeared in national and major market television, print and online media discussing issues of Internet safety. Marian completed her MBA from University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, and has a BSBA from Boston University’s School of Management. In March 2008, Symantec and IkeepSafe joined with Utah’s First Lady Mary Kaye Huntsman and former First Lady Jackie Leavitt to conduct an internet safety presentation with elementary school children in Salt Lake City, UT. Marian Merritt, Symantec’s Internet Safety Advocate, joined with Mrs. Leavitt to present the IkeepSafe award to Mrs. Huntsman at a "Norton Connected & Protected Kids' Assembly" attended by more than 100 students, parents and teachers of Hawthorne Elementary.

There are more than 5,000 cults in the United States alone! Each cult has its own guidelines and practices that it requires its members to follow. These practices can range from the extreme measures taken by Charles Manson and his followers to the faith-based methods of scientologists. While some attribute these alternative therapies to spiritual awakenings and positive lifestyle changes, too often they result in negative effects to the body and mind. “Most people believe they are not at risk of falling victim cultic mind manipulation,” says Lee Byrd, a world-renowned expert on alternative psychological therapies. “After years of research into this dangerous world, however, I have learned that we are all vulnerable in one way or another.” The granddaughter of pioneering polar explorer Admiral Richard E. Byrd, Lee Byrd’s interest in new age therapies began during her teen years outside of Philadelphia, PA. For more than 35 years, Byrd has been an active member of the world of competitive horse riding as a rider, trainer, and instructor. Byrd has two grown sons and currently resides in South Burlington, VT with her partner, Dr. Paul Krusinski.

Ryan Craig - Ruth's Chris Steak House - Indianapolis
Both Chef Paul and GM Ryan Craig were on the show before the Super Bowl and Ryan made a wager with the New Orleans' legend. Today they are both back and Ryan has to pay up as the the New Orleans Saints won the game and all is well in the "Big Easy". Both restaurants offer the finest cusines and if truth be told, The 'Saints" and the "Colts" ar bothe great teams, but the time has come to pay up.
Barry M. Farber is an American conservative radio talk show host, author and language-learning enthusiast. In 2002, industry publication Talkers magazine ranked him the 9th greatest radio talk show host of all time. He has also written articles appearing in the New York Times, Reader's Digest, the Washington Post, and the Saturday Review. He is now on CRN Digital Talk Radio, weekdays. He has a few comments on Health Care and what this all means. His program is heard on many CRN affilaites M-F at 5 PM PT.
TJ Walker - CEO of Media Training Worldwide
At Media Training Worldwide we specialize exclusively in training for media, presentation, public speaking and interview coaching. That's all we do. We eat, think and sleep media training and presentation coaching. The result? We provide the highest level of service to you and guarantee that your communication skills will improve dramatically because you will be using the most innovative training and learning techniques and technologies available. “Tiger Woods has finally graduated from the Barry Bonds/Gary Condit/Saddam Hussein School of Public Relations. Woods is now walking and talking and answering questions like a real human being. This is the first step in his long road toward public redemption. Woods deserves an “A plus” for his first interviews and after racking up a long string of “F minuses” for the last four months.”