Many people don't realize how environmentally-friendly natural cork is. They also don't know that in recent years, over 75 million corks have been recycled in North America. Cork is transformed into every day products like flooring, insulation or yoga blocks. There are millions of acres of cork forests in Portugal acting not only as a carbon sink but as the habitat for hundreds of plants and animals including the Iberian Lynx of which there are only a few hundred left in the world? The cork industry is the economic anchor that enables these forests to exist.
Save A Forest
To put it simply when you drink a bottle of wine closed with a natural cork you'll be rewarded not only with a pleasurable drinking experience but you’ll also be a part of preserving millions of acres of forests which are the habitats of thousands of plants and animals. Cork forests have a high level of biodiversity, second only the the Amazonian Rainforest. It is also the home of the endangered Iberian Lynx of which there are only a couple of hundred left in the world!
Lower Your Carbon Footprint
Cork closures have the lowest carbon footprint followed by synthetics and screwcaps. Trees remain untouched for decades which counters soil erosion and act as a carbon sink. In Portugal alone, the cork forest acts as a carbon sink for 4.8 million tons of CO2 each year.
The Sound of Cork Popping improves the Taste to Wine
In a study released earlier this year and designed by Oxford University’s Crossmodal Research laboratory, scientists looked to test whether the sound and sight of a cork-stopped and screwcapped wine being opened would influence the perception of the wine inside the bottle. 140 participants were asked to try two identical wines, and give them ratings after having been played the sound of a cork popping, then again after having heard a screwcap being opened. They were then asked to actually open both bottles and rate the wines again. Overall, participants rated the same wine as 15% better quality when served under a cork than a screwcap. The wine under a cork was also rated as more appropriate for a celebration (+20%) and more inciting of a celebratory mood (+16%).
Cork Harvesting is the Perfect Example of Renewable Production
Most modern wine cork factories utilize cork dust from the processing plant to co-generate steam, and in some cases electricity. Larger scraps are reserved for use in agglomerated cork production. Thousands of corks are recycled in North America each year. Recycled Cork is used in the shipping industries, the fishing industries, in fashion, in housing (flooring and insulation), it's used to make yoga blocks and yes shoes!
Cork is All Natural
Cork is all natural and is impervious to gas and liguids. It does allow some oxygen to get thru at a very slow rate which helps with the aging process. Synthetic closures have a very high oxidization rate and screwcaps have a very low oxidization rate. If you buy wine closed with artificial stoppers and the wine is not consumed right away, your wine can't "breathe" properly and the taste may be effected.
TECH EXPERT BRIAN MECUM - cutting-edge mobile technology will enhance the Big Game experience

The capabilities of advanced mobile technology continue to grow, and will be on display in a big way as more than 70,000 fans use their mobile devices at U.S. Bank Stadium in Minnesota. Each section of the stadium will have special antennas installed, some even on handrails, drink rails and under the seats! Many of the venues for Super Bowl Live activities have been outfitted with new network tech. That is all on top of advanced LTE technologies IN the network itself. All this is needed to accommodate more than a million people who are expected to visit Super Bowl week.. On January 29, less than a week before the Big Game, we have Verizon VP and tech expert Brian Mecum, the architect of Verizon’s “futuristic” network game plan. Discover how cutting-edge mobile technology will enhance the Big Game experience for fans and what it will mean for consumers. This will be a uniquely fascinating interview for everyone who uses a mobile phone!