He was Michael Jackson's Private Chef, Mani Niall Tells Us About Just Desserts!

In the early 1990’s, Niall captured national press attention when he founded Mani’s Bakery in Los Angeles. Niall’s trademark stylish, organic and healthful baked goods made his artisan bakery a destination for both the stars and the star-struck. Baked goods and diverse sweeteners are Niall’s passion. His first book, Sweet & Natural Baking, (Chronicle, 1996) delves into minimally processed sugars such as maple syrup, fruit juice concentrates and malt syrups. Covered in Honey, (Rodale, 2003), explores the world of varietal honeys in both sweet and savory cooking.
His recent book, Sweet! From Agave to Turbinado (Da Capo Lifelong, 2008), traces the history of exotic and traditional sugars from around the world and the different recipes they inspire. Food & Wine magazine chose Sweet! as one of the top 25 cookbooks of 2009. Niall’s recipes have been featured in many national publications such as Food & Wine, Shape, Elle, Pastry Arts, Eating Well, Longevity, Fit Pregnancy and Vegetarian Times. Niall is a member of the Chefs Council at the Center for Culinary Development in San Francisco and contributes whole grain baking recipes as a Food Editor for Clabber Girl baking powder’s website, www.clabbergirl.com.
Just Desserts has been baking trans fat free since 1974. Their premium desserts can be purchased throughout the U.S. at quality-oriented markets such as Whole Foods, Costco, and other retailers who pride themselves on offering customers their “Just Desserts”.
For more info, go to www.justdesserts.com!
Stacie Hunt, Certified Sommelier, Wine Educator, Journalist Tells Us About Her Work with the Bogart Foundation and Their Upcoming Fundraiser
Stacie is an AIS

Certified Sommelier, Court of Sommeliers and Guild of Sommeliers member. She is the on air wine reporter for “Good Food with Evan Kleiman,” on KCRW-FM, Southern California’s flagship NPR station. As the National Wine Examiner for Examiner.com, her column is seen daily at www.examiner.com Hunt is a Co-Founder of Splash Productions (www.splashpros.com), Producers of Wine, Cuisine & Art exhibitions and video productions / documentaries and television and digital marketing for wineries and regions. Within retail, she is an associate partner, Du Vin Wine & Spirits, managing wine education and marketing for this boutique, destination wine shop in West Hollywood, California.
An Emmy-award winning journalist, Stacie produced of the hour-long documentary for the 25th Anniversary of Wine Spectator magazine. She is the national spokesperson for the Baja Winemakers’ Association. Throughout the year she judges international wine competitions in the US and Mexico. She is on the Board of Directors of the SWRA (Specialty Wine Retailers Association). SWRA works within the national courts system, to update laws regarding direct purchase and shipping of wines between wineries, retailers and online and their thirsty customers.
For more info, go to www.bogartfoundation.org!
What's Cookin' Today Hour TWO:
Chef Paul Tells Us How To Make a FABULOUS Breakfast for Mom!

There are as many ways to celebrate Mother’s Day as there are types of moms. But one universally accepted and anticipated perk of being a mom on Mother’s Day is breakfast in bed.
Best breakfast bets for different types of mom’s – whether she’s a healthy, brainy or even a “foody” type. Kids in the Kitchen: Breakfast ideas to help kids of any age prepare – from preschool to high school to adult “kids” Drink pairings: Yes, at breakfast! What goes best with Hollandaise, fruit, even maple syrup? Presentation: serving it up with style. Whether you’re placing everything on a tray or on the table and serving it up warm or cold.
Paul’s Kitchen owner and Executive Chef, Paul McCullough specializes in classic American Cuisine and is known for his simple and down-to-earth approach to cooking, resulting in upscale food that’s not uptight. Originally from the East Coast, Paul lives in Hollywood. has made frequent appearances on both radio & television shows including Extra, KTLA’s morning show, LA Talk Radio and “Out Q in the Morning” with Larry Flick. Paul made his Food Network Debut on The Next Food Network Star and is currently working on a book.

Each week, Chef Ramsay will observe the inner workings of the chosen establishment to try and get to the root of the problem causing the business to fail. Along the way, he'll reveal the sometimes harsh and stressful realities of running a restaurant and wastes no time getting down to business as he uses his expertise and professional experience to try and help turn an empty restaurant into the most popular, sought-after venue in town
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