Actress/Model Eeefy Ike Tells Us About Her New Book!
An actress, model and motivational speaker, Eeefy Ike is known not only for her modeling and acting, but also for the work she has done to inspire and motivate young women around the world.
Dr. Sasson E. Moulavi (Dr. Sass), M.D. is the Medical Director of Smart for Life™ Weight Management Centers and is a graduate of the University of Toronto where he received the degree of Doctor of Medicine. Dr. Moulavi holds Board Certification in Bariatric Medicine and is a member of the American Society of Bariatric Physicians. He has completed the Annual Practical Approaches to the Treatment of Obesity at Harvard University. For more than 13 years he has specialized in the study and treatment of Bariatric Medicine. Dr. Moulavi has directed the operation of multiple Weight Loss Centers in both the United States and Canada. His passion is also to protect our planet by keeping our food supply clean of toxins and providing healthy choices for generations to come.
The company was founded as Kentucky Fried Chicken by ColonelHarland Sanders in 1952, though the idea of KFC's fried chicken actually goes back to 1930.

Having been partially burned during a vicious attack as a young girl in her native Nigeria, Eeefy has overcome a difficult upbringing as well as personal crises by believing in herself and in her ability to pursue her dreams of building burn centers around the world. She has graced the pages of top magazines, appeared on films and television and is also taking her message of perseverance and self belief through sold-out personal appearances and now through her dynamic new book "Peering Through the Depths of Life."
Dr. Sass Tells Us About the Smart for Life Cookie Diet

What's Cookin' Today Hour TWO:
Rick Maynard, PR Guru at KFC Gives us the Absolute Latest and Greatest From The Colonels Best Chicken!
KFC Corporation (KFC), founded and also known as Kentucky Fried Chicken, is a chain of fast food restaurants based inLouisville, Kentucky, in the United States.
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