Car Expert And Author Of "Lauren Fix's Guide To Loving Your Car!", Lauren Fix Is Here To Talk To Us About Tips and Advice for Our Holiday Weekend Roadtrip

To avoid becoming the family stranded on the side of the road you always feel bad for as you speed by, you need some essential tips and tricks for a safe and economical trip. Lauren Fix, “the Car Coach®,” nationally recognized auto expert and award winning author of "Lauren Fix's Guide To Loving Your Car!," is available to help prepare your audience to get the most out of Labor Day travel.
Lauren is a nationally recognized automotive, lifestyle and travel expert and an authority on consumer issues such as family traveling, automotive car care and proper preparation to get the most out of traveling. She has appeared numerous times on Oprah, TODAY, The View, CNN, 20/20, Headlines News, MSNBC, The Early Show, The Weather Channel, ESPN, Discovery, Speed, Live with Regis & Kelly and National Public Radio.
What's Cookin' Today Hour TWO:
The Beverly Hills Morton's Steakhouse's Own Sommelier, Cameron Russell, Is Talking With Us About There Great Collection of Wines

The newly renovated restaurant is a celebrity hot spot, and welcoming to both large and small groups from 10 to 190.
Joining Us Is Justin Miller, the Executive Chef at Pizzeria Ortica, Who Is Sharing With Us Modern Twists On Italian Classics.

Pizzeria Ortica is located in Orange County, but Chef Miller makes the drive to Chino Farms to bring his guests the freshest seasonal produce available, while supporting local and sustainable farming. The result is a beautiful, market-inspired menu that truly celebrates the seasons.
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