Jennifer Caccavo Communication Specialist - FEDEX
Time is winding down and shipping those packages can be a hassle. Tips on deadlines, free software various

methods of shipment for Christmas. Consistently ranked among the world's most admired and trusted employers, FedEx inspires its more than 290,000 employees and contractors to remain "absolutely, positively" focused on safety, the highest ethical and professional standards, and the needs of their customers and communities
Gary Canter - Canter's Deli
Canter's Delicatessen and Restaurant is a family run business that started in Jersey City, New Jersey in 1924. The Canter brothers moved their business to Boyle Heights, a suburb of Los Angeles, in 1931, and in 1948 Harold Price and Selma Udko opened Canter's Deli at 439 North Fairfax, a few doors up the block from the current location. In 1953 Salma Udko, Ben and Jenny Canter, and Harold Price moved Canter's to the current location at 419 North Fairfax. Canter's is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and on all holidays except Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Our philosophy is to serve quality merchandise at reasonable prices. Pleasing the customers is our primary goal. Our house specialties include a sandwich piles up 1/2 lb high with Corned Beef and Pastrami called a Canter's Fairfax. Another favorite is referred to as a Brooklyn and Soto and is made with Corned Beef or Pastrami on rye. Our chicken matzoth ball soup, the Jewish penicillin, is another house favorite and has cured many homesick customers from both hunger and the common cold. Canter's is one of the few delicatessens in the United States that pickles our own pickles fresh in-house every morning. Our bakery goods are baked fresh twice daily on our premises. We prepare our own potato salad, cole slaw, egg salad, turkey salad, and bake our own knishes.

Canter's has also become a favorite whistle stop on hot political contests. We've had Mayor Bradley, Governor Deukmejian, Rudy Gulianian, Bill Simon going from booth to booth introducing themselves to our customers. Because CBS studios is just up the block, many celebrities frequent Canter's every day. Our catering department caters to many television show and movies during production and to their wrap parties as well. The Neil Simon movie "I ought to be in Pictures" with Walter Mathau was filmed here. Canter's is also part of the larger Los Angeles community and we have received numerous awards from the City of Hope, appreciation letters for outstanding and dedicated service, and letters from Jerry Lewis and the Muscular Dystrophy Association thanking Canter's for donating food. Over the years, many celebrities have passed through our doors. In the 50's Marilyn Monoe and Arthur Miller ate here, as did Jack Benny and Elizabeth Taylor. Other celebrity noshers include Sydney Poitier, Mel Brooks, Wilt Chamberlain, Charlene Tilton, Brooke Shields, Jackqueline Bisset, Catherine Oxenberg, John Travolta, Prince, Stevie Wonder, Buddy Hacket, Olivia Newton John, Muhammad Ali, Monty Hall, Bill Cosby, David Brenner, Rodney Dangerfield, Dick Van Dyke, Shelly Winters, Elizabeth Montogomery, The Cars, Henry Winkler, Greg Morris, and the producer of Miami Vice, Michael Mann, who has written from inspiration for up to 3 hours at a time when he was writing for Vegas. Many celebrities who prefer to go "incognito" sneak in around 3:00am for a late night nosh! Canter's Delicatessen and Restaurant continues to be a Los Angeles landmark and late night spot, and, with the addition of the Las Vegas opening of Canter's Deli in 2003, we are committed to bringing the best Pastrami to late night noshers on the famed Las Vegas Strip.
Tom Hinde - Flowers Vineyard & Winery
As nursery owners in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Walt and Joan Flowers had long dreamed of combining their love of wine with their passion for agriculture. They knew they wanted to produce their favorite varietals, Chardonnay and Pinot Noir; what they didn't know was that their path would eventually lead them across country to Northern

California's rugged
Sonoma Coast. After responding to a small classified ad in a national wine publication, that's exactly where they landed. In 1989, after many information-gathering trips to Napa and Sonoma, Walt and Joan purchased 321 acres, including a ridge top, high above the Pacific Ocean on the northern Sonoma Coast. With the same determination they drew on to build their successful nursery business; the Flowers proceeded with the dream of producing their favorite cool-climate varietals in a place they believed uniquely suited to growing them. Today, Flowers Winery produces 15,000 cases of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir from its two estate properties,
Camp Meeting Ridge and Flowers Ranch, as well as select vineyards in the coolest regions of the Sonoma Coast AVA, which are farmed to Flowers' specifications by their own crews. In addition to direct consumer sales, the wines are sold to fine restaurants and retailers in the US and overseas.
Rex Stults - Industry Relations Director - Napa Valley Vintners Assoc
Bounded on both sides by mountains, the Napa Valley stretches approximately 30 miles in a northwesterly direction, its width ranging from five miles at the widest point near the city of Napa to just a mile where the valley narrows near the town of Calistoga. Bisecting the valley is the Napa River, which follows the valley's tapered contour, and dwindles from a fully navigable river in its southern stretches to little more than a creek at its northern beginnings. The valley's topography changes with its length, from the windswept estuarine flats and gentle hills in the south to the valley's narrow tip at the town of Calistoga, cradled between the sheer walls of the Palisades at the foot of Mount St. Helena to the east and the forested Mayacamas Mountains to the west. The Napa Valley's amiable climate makes it a

veritable garden. A wide variety of fruits and vegetables thrive here: oranges, prunes, apples, olives and more. But what makes the Napa Valley truly unique is its remarkable suitability for the production of wine grapes. A maritime climate that produces cool nights and warm days combines with soils that are deep but not excessively fertile to yield grapes that are singular in their intensity, complexity and balance. Several different microclimates and a wide array of soil profiles mean that different vineyards produce grapes that are unique in style and character - but uniformly high in quality. The vineyard environments of the Napa Valley have evolved through geologic time. Like the rest of California, Napa Valley has had a very active and eventful geologic history. Many tectonic plates (large pieces of the earth's crust) have collided with North America to form California. As a result, there are many geological faults in the area, which have molded the topography of the Napa Valley and the mountains that surround it. A great deal of volcanic activity occurred in the area about two million years ago. These volcanic eruptions deposited a series of ash and lava called the Sonoma Volcanics over much of Napa and Sonoma Counties, especially along the axis of the Mayacamas Range. The small hills which emerge from the valley floor north of Yountville were created by this volcanic activity.
Chef Bruce Auden "Biga on the Banks" San Antonio, TX
Riverwalk Restaurants in San Antonio look to Biga as the standard for Fine Dining, Catering and Banquet Rooms.

Biga on the Banks has a reputation for innovation among Riverwalk Restaurants in San Antonio and we are proud of our role in redefining San Antonio fine dining. Owner and Chef Bruce Auden is known for his culinary creativity, and offers flavors and cuisine that are sure to please. Biga welcomes the opportunity to share our innovative gourmet foods with you and hope that you will consider us when looking for fine dining on the San Antonio Riverwalk
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