- National Popcorn Day
- National Peanut Brittle Day
- Australia: National Australia Day
- St. Timothy's Day, patron against stomachaches
- National Peanut Brittle Day
- Australia: National Australia Day
- St. Timothy's Day, patron against stomachaches
1788 Captain Arthur Phillip took formal possession of the colony of New South Wales and became its first Governor.
1838 The first state temperance law was passed in Tennessee.
1861 Samuel Slocum died. He invented a machine to make pins with solid heads and a machine for sticking the pins in a paper holder for sale.
1875 The first battery-powered dentist’s drill was patented by George F Green of Kalamazoo, Michigan.
1932 William Wrigley, Jr. died. He started out as a traveling salesman at the age of 13, selling soap for his father's company. He had a series of sales jobs, one of which gave chewing gum as a premium. Customers liked the gum better than the product, so he was soon marketing his own gum, Juicy Fruit in 1893, and later that year Wrigley's Spearmint. An advertising genius, his company became the largest chewing gum manufacturer in the world.
2007 Food writer Sharon Tyler Herbst died. Author of ' The Food Lover's Companion,' 'The Joy of Cookies,' and more than a dozen other books..
- August is:
- Harvest Month
- National Catfish Month
- National Water Quality Month
- Peach Month
- National Panini Month
- Variable Date Events
- Air Conditioning Appreciation Week
- Apple Festivals
- Australia: Picnic Day
- Barbecue Pig & Rib Festivals
- Blueberry Festivals
- Braham Pie Day
- Bratwurst Days
- California Dry Bean Festival
- Corn Festivals
- International Kitchen Garden Day
- International Zucchini Festival
- Kool-Aid Days
- Lobster Festivals
- Mint Festival
- National Apple Week
- National Mustard Day & Festival (1st Sat)
- Nut Monday
- Oyster Festivals
- Peach Festivals
- Spain: 'La Tomatina' Tomato Fight - The last Wednesday of August in Bunol, Valencia, Spain. 30,000 people throw 240,000 pounds of tomatoes at each other
- Sweden: Crayfish Premiere
- Sweden: Sour Herring Premiere
- UK: National Hot Dog Day
- Watermelon Festivals
- Wine Tastings and Festivals